.. GRID documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jul 9 14:34:18 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. GRID: Deal with Field Segmentations Elegantly ========================================================== .. figure:: res/abstract.png .. figure:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/photo_grid.svg?label=pypi%20downloads&logo=python&logoColor=white .. figure:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/photo_grid.svg?label=pypi%20version&logo=python&logoColor=white .. raw:: html Follow @poissonfish Watch Star Fork Issue | Getting started ---------------- * **Installation**: :ref:`Python 3 ` | :ref:`Rasterio ` | :ref:`PyPI ` | * **First-time users**: :ref:`Launch GRID` | :ref:`Demo mode` | :ref:`Work with your images` | .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :caption: GATTING STARTED /ch1_started/installation /ch1_started/firsttime Interface --------- * **File loading**: :ref:`Input files` | :ref:`Drag and drop` | * **Define AOI**: :ref:`Draw AOI` | :ref:`Adjust AOI` | * **Define POI**: :ref:`K-Means clustering algorithm` | :ref:`Binarization` | :ref:`Refine POI` | :ref:`Display/Zoom` | * **Detect centroids**: :ref:`Major axis` | :ref:`Minor axis` | :ref:`Centroid adjustment` | * **Segmentation**: :ref:`Dynamic` | :ref:`Fixed` | :ref:`Fine-tune results` | :ref:`Export results` | .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :caption: INTERFACE /ch2_interface/load /ch2_interface/aoi /ch2_interface/kmeans /ch2_interface/centroids /ch2_interface/segmentation Inputs/Outputs -------------- * **Inputs**: :ref:`Images` | :ref:`Maps` | :ref:`Shapefiles ` | * **Outputs**: :ref:`Tabular results` | :ref:`Validation ` | :ref:`Shapefiles ` | :ref:`NumPy format of AOI` | :ref:`H5 dataset` | .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :caption: INPUTS/OUTPUTS /ch3_io/inputs /ch3_io/outputs Advanced usage (Jupyter notebook) ---------------------------------- * :ref:`Customize Vegetation Indices` * :ref:`Multi-Season Images` * :ref:`Work with QGIS` * :ref:`Deal with Arbitrary Field Layout` * :ref:`Generate datasets for deep learning` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :caption: ADVANCED USAGE /ch4_adv/custom_index /ch4_adv/seasons /ch4_adv/qgis /ch4_adv/arbitrary /ch4_adv/dl How to cite GRID ------------------- To cite GRID, you can: - Import `GRID.bib `_ - or manually key in the following info: .. code-block:: none @article{Chen and Zhang:2020, author = {Chunpeng James Chen and Zhiwu Zhang}, title = {GRID: A Python Package for Field Plot Phenotyping Using Aerial Images}, month = may, year = 2020, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = 12, issue = 11, pages = 1697 doi = {10.3390/rs12111697}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12111697} } Support -------- Find any issue? Post it on `GitHub `_ or contact `James Chen `_