3.2 Output formats

3.2.1 Figures

Manhattan plot

Fig. Manhattan plot by GWAS

Scatter plot: Q-Q plot

Fig. Q-Q plot by GWAS

Histogram: GEBV distribution

Fig. Distribution for GEBVs

Density function: Accuracies for GS validations

Fig. Distribution for prediction accuracies

Scatter plot: GS predictions against observations

Fig. Distribution for prediction accuracies

Histogram: Heterozygosity distribution

Fig. Histograms for overview of heterozygosity

Phenotype overview

Fig. Figure for overview of phenotypes

3.2.2 Tabular results

GWAS report

TABLE 3.10: Tabular GWAS results
SNP Chromosome Position P.value maf effect
PZB00859.1 1 157104 0.8796673 0.2402135 0.0513818
PZA01271.1 1 1947984 0.0450554 0.4893238 0.5985480
PZA03613.2 1 2914066 0.0152657 0.2900356 0.7550551
PZA03613.1 1 2914171 0.7736487 0.2508897 -0.1049524
PZA03614.2 1 2915078 0.1072168 0.4697509 -0.4744598


TABLE 3.11: GEBV for each individual
taxa GEBV
ID_1 -1.77193474724802
ID_2 1.72387204220987
ID_3 1.68334659084122
ID_4 -2.41038775121833
ID_5 -5.74618607007748

GS: Marker effects

TABLE 3.12: Genetic effects for each marker
V1 u
M_1 -0.00567222219641276
M_2 0.0212495891997373
M_3 0.030552733100474
M_4 -0.0212824623926987
M_5 -0.0126398188395629

GS: Validation results

TABLE 3.13: Accuracies from GS validation
r rmse trait iter fold
0.6141 5.8551 y75 1 1
0.5466 5.0126 y75 1 2
0.6173 4.7957 y75 1 3
0.5112 5.8834 y75 1 4
0.5525 4.5914 y75 1 5

GS: Predicted values

TABLE 3.14: List of predicted and observed phenotypes
obs pre trait iter fold
-1.2619 -2.8336 y75 1 1
2.5937 -0.1296 y75 1 2
-7.4122 -0.6723 y75 1 3
-4.3864 -3.1929 y75 1 4
-3.9676 -7.8634 y75 1 5
-8.4040 -2.2128 y75 2 1
-4.4187 -4.3261 y75 2 2
16.0423 1.9852 y75 2 3