Multi-Season Images


In this example, we’re going to demonstrate how to work with images of same field taken in multiple seasons/time points. Due to the field management would vary in different growing stages, the difference between research plants and other objects (soil, weed) can sometimes be challenging to tell. It would make the segmentation easier if we can replicate plot coordinates learned from one image (s1.tif) to another image (s2.tif).


Obtain shapefiles from GRID

Run GRID normally on the image s1.tif. The output shapefiles allow us to replicate the plot coordinates to the next season (image). 27bf2683863e4d4fba31ae5c96a6fb42

Georeference the 2nd image by the 1st image

NOTE: This step can be skipped if the coordinate reference systsm (CRS) of two images matches well.

Before we work with s2.tif, we have to ensure that both s1.tif and s2.tif share the same CRS. As the coordinates recorded by GPS may sometimes have error from one image to another, it’s necessary to correct the georeference in QGIS. 96ca8daf4ee54107b78a2400108469b7

Here’s a tutorial on YouTube:


Load shapefiles to replicate CRS

After we done georeferencing s2.tif, we are ready to replicate the segmetation from s1.tif to s2.tif. We will load s2.tif as the input image this time, and load s1.shp as the input shapefile. 0afa5c986d3e417195375a8c5daa287a

Users are required to crop the area of interest (AOI) and define the pixel of interest (POI). After that, the segmentation will be carried out exactly the same way as one in s1.tif. bf4eee3f3fe44811a7e34ab5862780b9

Inspect tabular data

# imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import h5py as h5
# load tabular data from s1.tif and s2.tif
dt_s1 = pd.read_csv("s1_data.csv").loc[:, ["var", "area_veg", "NDVI"]]
dt_s2 = pd.read_csv("s2_data.csv").loc[:, ["var", "area_veg", "NDVI"]]

# rename column names
dt_s1.columns = ["id", "canopy_s1", "ndvi_s1"]
dt_s2.columns = ["id", "canopy_s2", "ndvi_s2"]

# merge two seasons of data by their IDs
dt = pd.merge(dt_s1, dt_s2)
id canopy_s1 ndvi_s1 canopy_s2 ndvi_s2
0 unnamed_0 6139 0.079541 10756 0.057954
1 unnamed_9 5289 0.064362 11499 0.050158
2 unnamed_18 2175 0.057072 5965 0.042233
3 unnamed_27 5958 0.060194 15209 0.040483
4 unnamed_36 3293 0.067456 8394 0.048621
... ... ... ... ... ...
265 unnamed_233 7759 0.084310 10316 0.099573
266 unnamed_242 6455 0.050348 9391 0.068676
267 unnamed_251 4714 0.043048 10661 0.032655
268 unnamed_260 4696 0.045965 9780 0.044229
269 unnamed_269 6703 0.079980 11354 0.061780

270 rows × 5 columns

Compute the correlation of NDVI between seasons

r2 = pearsonr(dt.ndvi_s1, dt.ndvi_s2)[0] ** 2
plt.title("Correlation r2 of NDVI = %.3f" % r2)
plt.xlabel("NDVI (season 1)")
plt.ylabel("NDVI (season 2)")
plt.scatter(dt.ndvi_s1, dt.ndvi_s2)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fefa8aa5550>

Compute the correlation of canopy areas between seasons

r2 = pearsonr(dt.canopy_s1, dt.canopy_s2)[0] ** 2
plt.title("Correlation r2 of canopy areas = %.3f" % r2)
plt.xlabel("Canopy area (season 1)")
plt.ylabel("Canopy area (season 2)")
plt.scatter(dt.canopy_s1, dt.canopy_s2)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fefa8e15610>

Select elite lines

We can select elite lines by ranking their change of canopy areas

# use "growth rate" to represent their performance
dt.loc[:, "growth_rate"] = (dt.canopy_s2 - dt.canopy_s1) / dt.canopy_s1

# plot the performance in a histogram
plt.xlabel("Growth rate (100%)")
_ = plt.hist(dt.growth_rate.values)
# we select lines with growth rate greater than 1
cutoff = 1
dt.loc[dt.growth_rate >= cutoff, "isElite"] = True
dt.loc[dt.growth_rate < cutoff, "isElite"] = False

# then we can replot the scatter plot by coloring the elite lines
plt.xlabel("Canopy area (season 1)")
plt.ylabel("Canopy area (season 2)")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fef58a0c290>
# rank their performance
dt.sort_values(by="growth_rate", ascending=False, inplace=True)
id canopy_s1 ndvi_s1 canopy_s2 ndvi_s2 growth_rate isElite
6 unnamed_54 2044 0.064161 6793 0.044786 2.323386 True
63 unnamed_29 2274 0.116536 6812 0.094472 1.995602 True
105 unnamed_138 2498 0.104650 7121 0.113467 1.850681 True
253 unnamed_125 2988 0.070304 8435 0.069946 1.822959 True
256 unnamed_152 3094 0.078514 8665 0.060872 1.800582 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
170 unnamed_185 7543 0.124144 9593 0.149356 0.271775 False
87 unnamed_245 7795 0.093975 9883 0.123432 0.267864 False
26 unnamed_234 8109 0.087209 10260 0.107430 0.265261 False
172 unnamed_203 7375 0.113576 9316 0.146696 0.263186 False
18 unnamed_162 8168 0.103522 9540 0.136832 0.167973 False

270 rows × 7 columns

# extract the top-3 IDs
id_elite = dt[:3].id.values
array(['unnamed_54', 'unnamed_29', 'unnamed_138'], dtype=object)

Insepct the elite lines

# define a function that can extract specific items from h5 files
# in the h5 file, <ID name> + "_raw" stands for a image without removing noise and shaded areas
# it allows us to better inspect the image

def extract_imgs_from_h5(filename, ids):
    ls_imgs = []
    with h5.File(filename, "r") as f:
        for id in ids:
            img = f[id + "_raw"][:]
            ls_imgs += [np.swapaxes(img, 0, 1)] # use np.swapaxes() to rotate image by 90°
    return ls_imgs
# extract images of elite lines from two seasons
imgs_s1 = extract_imgs_from_h5("s1.h5", id_elite)
imgs_s2 = extract_imgs_from_h5("s2.h5", id_elite)
# plot the images
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(20, 10))
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, bottom=0, top=.35)
for i in range(3):
    axes[0, i].imshow(imgs_s1[i])
    axes[0, i].set_title(id_elite[i] + (" (season 1)"))
    axes[1, i].imshow(imgs_s2[i])
    axes[1, i].set_title(id_elite[i] + (" (season 2)"))
